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In the Summer of 2022, for the first time in a long time, CDS BOD hosted the 4th annual National Gathering 2022 online *and in-person!* We might have crossed our fingers in time before and we finally made it happen!


Sisters in-person gathered at Renton's Hyatt Regency located right at the end of Lake Washington and we also made this event available online via Zoom, for sisters who could not make it in-person. We had about 14 sisters in attendance and for the very first time, we connected with our University of Washington's (UW) Charter Alpha Class sisters who just crossed this past Winter 2022.


Here's a quick recap of all the exciting things covered:

  • Jasmine Santillan, our ice breaker extraordinaire, lead us through some fun ad lib activities and trivia to break the ice. And if anyone told you that it was impossible to do activities for both in-person and online, Jasmine made it possible.

  • In hand with ice breaker activities, we explored some self-discovery reflection prompts and activities.

  • Went through business updates; more so of BOD accomplishments and successes throughout their term.

  • In between updates, had a few sponsorship giveaways: Greek Nation, Emme Essentials, Golde, OKKO, and emagine.

  • Along with, Washington State University (WSU) Undergraduate Alpha Chapter updates + UW Charter Alpha Class Updates.

  • Most importantly, BOD Elections took place.​​


After all activities and business updates concluded, we announced and celebrated our newly elected BOD Members; Christine Vinluan as Director of Finance and Jamierin Walters as Director of Administration. Congratulations again and again and we look forward to see more with you both on board.


As the preceding BOD Members wrap up their term, it was with immense pleasure to serve and to be part of the efforts to move and drive this organization forward. In this time, we are in a transition period and are passing the reigns over to the newly elected BOD.


Thank you to our preceding BOD Members and sponsors for making this event happen, our participating sisters that attended National Gathering and to our new lovely Board, Christine and Jamie!


If you're interested in other vacant positions (President, Vice President, Director of Public Relations, Director of Alumnae Association, or Regional Representative), please contact:

Christine Vinluan, Director of Finance at:

Jamierine Walters, Director of Administration at:

National Gathering 2022 + New Incoming CDS BOD Members

September 8, 2022

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As we push into the 2021 year, still connecting with sisters virtually as this pandemic continues... Our very own, new addition to the BOD team, Angie Winkle, who has stepped in as our new Director of Alumnae Association, launched our very first CDSAA Mentorship Program!


In conjunction of this Mentorship Program, CDS BOD along with a few CDSAA members, planned a two-in-one event of having a virtual Alumni Panel and a Mentorship Program Kickoff during our lovely Founding week. This specific event took place on February 12, 2021 virtually via Zoom. Our alumni panel consisted of notable alumnae sisters, Kimberly Dela Cruz Kelley, Founding Mother Nicole Crebilo, Kayla Titialii-Torres, and Jacqueline Macatangay. And although we were saddened by the thought that we couldn't be together in-person, we celebrated and reminisced the past 14 years and being able to have resources like the Mentorship Program happen.


We marked our first cohort with 24 sisters/12 pairs, reaching out to sisters all the way from Alpha class to our very own neophytes from WSU Alpha chapter's Xi class. We are very excited to have a diverse set of sisters involved this year and hope that this mentorship program brings them what they were looking for.

Launch of the First CDSAA Mentorship Program 2021

April 27, 2021

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National Gathering 2020 and Director of the Year Award

Sunday, September 20, 2020

This past summer, in the midst of the pandemic, CDS Board of Directors (BOD) held their 2nd annual National Gathering virtually via Zoom where we had 20+ sisters in attendance. As we celebrated our theme, "Year of Sisterhood," we focused on recommitting our bonds as an organization through workshops highlighting cultivating relationships through our heritage, reuniting with our Founding Mother family groups, and catching up through Crane Convos. Additionally, we had the honor of having an Ate from the Center of Babaylan Studies, Joanna La Torre, as a featured keynote speaker. She spoke on "Reconnecting with our Indigenous Heritage," and the importance of decolonizing our minds.


After all workshops and business updates concluded, CDS BOD recognized one of our lovely members, Jasmine Santillan (Director of Finance), with the Director of the Year Award. With her hard work of onboarding all 5 new Board Directors on her own and endless dedication to push our organization financially, it was profound that her hard work and diligence is honored through this award. Thank you Jasmine and congratulations on your Director of the Year Award.

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